Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bronzed Beauty

I think self tanner is the best invention since butter. I mean it's good for a lot of things.
  1. It's 99.9% Cancer Free
  2. It makes us polar bears not feel so white
  3. It keeps us from being mixed up with vampires
  4. It's easy to apply
I mean the list could just go on and on about why I love self tanners. They're inexpensive and they don't give you wrinkles because there are no UV rays to break down the cells in your skin. Personally I use the Banana Boat Summer Color tanning lotion which literally turns my vampire-esq stomach to tanned perfection in literally 2 hours.

I mean, they're awesome.

I think everyone should get off of their towels and into their houses with the AC blasting and self tan instead of sitting out in the sun, getting wrinkles, and potentially cancer.

So... I'm glad I realized this before I get too old. So heed my advice please so we can find a partial cure to skin cancer!

Stay healthy and chic,
Stephanie <3

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